Steering Control (Orbital) Valve 200CC/12.1CI Non-Load Reaction, Closed Center

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  • Regular price $650.00

  • Displacement: 200cc/12.1 Cubic Inch
  • Flow Rate: 4.00-8.00 GPM
  • Load Circuit: Non-Load Reaction
  • Closed Center
  • Mechanical Interface: Internal Involute Spline, 12 TOOTH 16/32 DP 30°
  • Port Size: 4X -8 ORB ports

NOTE: This valve is a non-load reaction type which means that physical axle forces will not be transmitted back through the steering wheel. With this type of valve, there is no driver feedback and steering does not "self center" when the operator releases the wheel after completing a turn.

This valve is also a closed center type which means that P is closed to T in neutral position. Not suitable for use with a fixed displacement engine-driven pump that requires continuous flow allowed through main steering circuit.

The displacement of the valve divided into the steering cylinder volume will determine the required turns of the steering wheel lock-to-lock (single ended cylinders will have different number of turns in one direction versus the other).